Wednesday, June 27, 2018

INSCOIN FOR KNOX-The First Blockchain Based Insurance Company


The right design will make it easier for ourselves and others, such as designing when we are sick and when we will finance our son and daughter's education. The right design will provide the best solution in the future.

With insurance, we can design what we need now and in the future that will bring benefits to ourselves. Many companies offer insurance products that we can choose according to what we want.

The job of one insurance company is to raise funds in. Good business management requires funds that have been invested so that funds are more productive.

Investment activities by an insurance company other than to support national development may also reduce the cost of insurance, whereby with profit or profits earned through investment funds, the presentation of profit elements calculated in the determination of premiums can be reduced.

KNOX Project will be the first insurance company to combine the real world with the digital world using Blockchain technology, creating the most efficient and sophisticated structure in the sector, to find solutions to certification issues and anti-counterfeit insurance policies.

Thanks to the platform developed by Knox's insurance, the policy will evolve into a fully automated and eliminate the possibility of conflict of interest between the parties involved.

Insurance companies will be established in Lisbon, Dubai, and the Bermuda Islands, to enable Knox insurance to operate in various laws and enable token economies on a global scale.

With smart contracts, the company will not have any delay in collecting credits, since the policy is issued only after receiving payment. This factor aims to improve the company's management significantly.

With smart contracts in the event of an accident, real judges who will decide whether or not to pay them are no longer a company, which could have opportunistic behavior, but a blockchain system that, in absolutely no interest in human opinion, will decide whether the accident is in accordance with provisions in the policy.

This benefit will be the most important because it will increase the company's transparency to customers.


At the same time as the beginning of three insurance companies, once a legal license is obtained, with the help of the funds collected, an internal exchange platform will be created. This platform will have a fundamental role, through which customers can access the purchase of insurance products overridden by our structure.


The Knox Insurance and partly on the Blockchain of Ethereum part of the Knox Insurance and partly on the internal platform. At the end of the certification process, smart contracts will be issued that combine the authenticity and scope of the policy while respecting the privacy rights of the contracting party.

The main function of this platform is the Creation of a customized profile for Brokers, with their personal inscoin wallets.

It is possible for Brokers to create for all their clients the underlying profile, combined with identification code and associated inscoin wallet.
It is possible for each personal customer to create their own profile, with a relative inscoin wallet. Direct loading of all policy features for evaluation and bidding.
Possible pay policy as described in the previous paragraph. Acceptance, in the case of a policy purchase, from a smart contract address that you can verify its authenticity.
The internal platform is critical to this project because through it we can efficiently manage all our project innovations.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

DECOIN-A fully Secure Technology System for cryptocurrency users

DECOIN is a decentralized currency and Trading Platform Exchange that redistributes its profits to coinholders. DECOIN is a blockchain-based "Profit Sharing Exchange" currency. DECOIN builds a globally known, fast, easy and simple Multicurrency Exchange and Trading Platform that shares the exchange rate gains with all its coinholders. In addition, DECOIN's first-class security promises its users an easy, relaxing and reliable trading experience to ensure completed transactions. DECOIN is a fully secure technology system for cryptocurrency users, enabling users to fully exploit their currency potential by adapting to the decentralized nature of the blockchain itself. DECOIN aims to build world-renowned, global online customer service to facilitate the use of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies.


As "THE COIN of DE People", building a platform that offers its partners and users a less rapid, safe and inexpensive trading experience that makes trading pleasant and peaceful. Add a strong support team and mix it with social trade, then twinkle it with some profit sharing and you have a winning combination.

DECOIN strives to build a globally known, quickly manageable simple and simple multi-currency exchange and trading platform that shares the profit of the fair with all its coinholders. In addition, DECOIN's first-class security level promises users a calm, relaxing and reliable experience to ensure completed transactions. There is no doubt that an exchange that shares its own profits with its contributors will lead the world to new frontiers! Rest assured, we will also exceed these limits.

If you admire social commerce, you can follow the trading activities of our top traders. Our platform is fully secured and fully secured.


Our vision and mission is to be the world's leading cryptocurrency Exchange and Trading Platform.

You will be our partner in the profits. DECOIN stands for "The coin of the people" with the intention to share the liquidity pool and the profit of the exchange with our contributors. Our mission is to have a state-of-the-art Exchange platform for users of cryptocurrency, so that they can fully exploit their currency potential by adapting to the decentralized nature of the blockchain itself.


  • Safe - according to the standards of the financial sector, D-TEP protects all sensitive data stored on the platform. Multi-layer real-time authentication includes our trading platform, the protection of transactions and withdrawals from the stock exchange, while providing maximum security to our user base
  • Scalable - suitable for executing up to 1 million matches per second, making D-TEP one of the fastest and most scalable stock exchanges on the market today, able to handle the expected large trading volumes.
  • Quick - D - TEP uses innovative technology that enables us to quickly carry out purchase / sales orders - without the lag that is characteristic of many of today 's stock exchanges.
  • Social Trading - leading traders on D-TEP who are interested and agree, receive DECOINS to have their activities monitored and displayed anonymously, so that other traders can learn from their knowledge and experience.
  • Trading instruments - D-TEP also intends to offer financial instruments such as contract for difference (CFDs), allowing traders to benefit from rising prices or falling prices of underlying financial instruments. DECOINS team of analysts will provide periodic reports on market trends / new ICOs and digital coins in the spotlight.

  • Name: DTEP
  • Platform: Algo
  • Type: coin
  • Price in ICO: 1 DTEP = 0.9 USD
  • BONUS sale: 50%
  • Tokens for sale: 42,000,000
  • Accept: ETH, BTC, fiat
  • Distributed in ICO: 60%
  • Soft cap: 4,000,000 USD
  • Hard cap: 30,000,000 USD

  • 38% of the proceeds will be used to build the D-TEP platform, license fees, R & D, upgrades, fixes.
  • 25% will be used to smooth our operations, including recruitment of sales & compliance teams, training
  • 20% will be used for branding and marketing of D-TEP, including continuous promotion and education of the D-TEP platform and DECOIN, innovations, budget for various advertising activities.
  • 17% is stored in the Liquidity Pool to serve for times of unexpected situations that may occur.

For more information please visit and join on our link below:

Author: ardibimbim
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1446175
My ETH: 0xcE84a75540510467B4915692B6ebD1e1b9E3aa93

Sunday, June 24, 2018

INS Ecosystem - The most valuable ICO you should invest

INS Ecosystems creates the INS tokens, platform and technology. The aim of the project is to enable direct trade between consumers and manufacturers, reduce the dominance of few manufacturers and create a level playing field which in turn will make products cheaper upto 30%.

To be a part of this INS, the consumer has to create an account on the INS platform as a user profile and a wallet. The decentralized database using smart contracts will preserve all the data. These INS token will be traded on crypto exchanges and consumers will be able to trade including FIAT money.

The INS platform allows manufacturers to participate no matter what the manufacturer is, so can publish and promote his products, run loyalty campaigns and get feedback from consumers. INS will engage the independent operators to join the ecosystem to ignite the fast geographical expansion.

Analysis of INS Ecosystem

INS Ecosystem consists of very dedicated team, which means they will meet their target and will deliver the product right in time. With proper marketing and community development, the product will be developed. The INS platform brings crypto to the daily use products and so belongs to few cryptos based ERC-20 tokens. This is not any pyramid scheme, where they run an incentive scheme.

Blockchain applications in INS

INS with smart contract will facilitate the sale through decentralized structure and people participate in the ecosystem. With blockchain backed system, payment will be inexpensive and will work more efficiently. A tokenized ledger will be initiated and tokens will be sent and exchanged at different times. The blockchain drives the whole thing that plays transactions today, automate inventory control, and streamline fulfillment processes.

Manufacturers Are Showing Interest in the INS Eco System.

When the word gets out I will be every manufacturer will be on board. It offers the INS Eco System.

INS Token

INS Ecosystem have already token-ERC-20 named "INS" are in the Etherum network. The token can be used in the ecosystem of the INS and Cryptocurrency market. To be able to get a token, participants must be registered in the ecosystem of the INS Ecosystem in advance. During registration so the attendees will get the user profile and also the wallet that will awake the security of personal data belonging to the participants. During the ICO the token can be owned by those who registered, but in future we will sell tokens freely to all corners of the world, on condition that the country allow and do not break the rules in the country.

The use of the INS Ecosystem the token is as follows:
  • Manufacturers = Rewards: loyalty, promotion, cross-marketing, feedback. Minimum balance hold
  • Consumers = Payment for orders
  • INS Ecosystem = Referral rewards to consumer.

INS Token Contract Address:

INS is listed in many exchanges, you can check details about listing here:

Benefits to join us INS Ecosystem

  • When joining the INS Ecosystem then it will get the following benefits:
  • The manufacturer of the goods will be directly connected to the consumer.
  • Addressing the problem of dominance of large retailers and traders in various countries.
  • Offers a range of smart contracts to members of the INS Ecosystem.
  • Awards in the form of token of INS Ecosystem for loyalty members.
  • Benefits to consumers: online shopping process more easy, unlimited access to select the manufacturer of the goods.
  • Benefits for manufacturers: control the full price of the product and a list of products that will be sold, marketing and promotions directly to consumers, the feedback from the customers is faster and more detailed.


Team & Advisor

Please watch this video to know more about advantages of INS ecosystem

For more information please visit and join on our link below:

Author: ardibimbim

Thursday, June 21, 2018

CRYPTONIA POKER-Play Poker Online With Cryptocurrency.

Hasil gambar untuk cryptonia poker bounty

Play poker online with cryptocurrency. This blockchain-powered platform lets you play in a fair and safe environment.

Cryptonia Poker brings together the thrill of poker with the transparency and value of cryptocurrency in an online poker room that is based on blockchain technology. You can now use Cryptonia, your own poker cryptocurrency, to play poker online in a flexible manner.

Cryptonia Poker’s online poker room can be accessed worldwide. You can join a poker room from anywhere, and play with your tokens, while being sure of fairness in the game and transparency and safety of your funds.

The blockchain technology powering our cryptocurrency will help you make easy transactions from anywhere in the world. It ensures that the data about all the transactions is decentralised to ensure complete transparency in all transactions.

What is Cryptonia Poker?

The new project as the name suggests, is providing an online poker platform that is ultimately being powered by the blockchain. Built into it is a digital currency with a number of different advantages and differences to the various other platforms that are out there and offering something pretty similar.

They state that they will seek to offer competitive rakes, various discounts to players, and will constantly seek to promote their business since this will then also drive up the price of the digital token that the company has created.

The platforms approach is to provide absolute transparency at all times as well as use the security of the blockchain to encourage more players to take part. There is also less need to worry about crossing borders and as it uses a digital currency then it does mean that certain laws regarding gambling are not going to apply.

The Technical Aspect of Cryptonia Poker

The first thing to mention is that the new platform platform is built on Ethereum, and the token that they have produced also has Ethereum as its roots. Transactions that take place on the blockchain are completely transparent and they are linked to Smart Contracts in order to make sure that the transaction itself is valid and cannot be altered.

Also, current online casinos use software that has been manipulated by various individuals that ultimately leads to the games not being as fair as they should be. This is not a problem when the blockchain is used as that then becomes impossible.

The Smart Contracts will also be used to increase efficiency of the transactions as well as forming the basis of trust between both parties. Each transaction can then be traced as it is placed on the blockchain offering that additional sense of security that is required at this time.

Their platform is also incorporating their own software that has specific aspects to detect potential fraud and to eliminate it as a possibility at the earliest opportunity. Furthermore, they state that their software will also eliminate the potential for bots being used in the games meaning it is real people playing at all times.

The Advantages of Cryptonia Poker

The advantages associated with the project are clear to see. Aside from the fact that their digital currency is used as the gambling currency instead of fiat options, using the Ethereum blockchain for the platform is also a huge advantage. This platform allows for the potential to scale it up accordingly while also using the various security features that come with it. When you then tie that in with the security aspects of their own software, then this is a platform that can indeed be trusted.

The fact that they have eliminated bots is clearly going to be beneficial as well and lead to a fairer game at all times.

How big is the market?

The total online gambling market is estimated to be worth over $50 billion per year, a large chunk of this is from the Poker market with it being one of the most popular games.
In the last decade or so as online poker has gained popularity it’s seen various issues arise, with many of the popular platforms being accused of rigging the games. The new Cryptonia Poker platform aims to solve many of these issues by running on the blockchain which will provide a more trustworthy environment for users.

Please watch this video to know more about advantages of CRYPTONIA POKER

For more information please visit and join on our link below:

IСO [April 10, 2018 - Jul 01, 2018]

Author: ardibimbim

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sex workers are people who work in the sex industry. The term is used in reference to all areas of the sex industry including those who provide direct sexual services as well as industrial staff. Some sex workers are paid to engage in sex. acts or sexually explicit behavior of professional dominance and pornography actors engage in explicit sexual behavior that is filmed or photographed.
Phone sex operators have sexually oriented conversations with clients and perform sexual game audits.
Some people use the term sex worker to avoid applying the stigma associated with the word prostitute. Using the term sex worker rather than prostitutes also allows more members of the sex industry to be represented and helps In addition, choosing to use the term sex worker rather than prostitutes shows ownership of individual career options. Some argue that they prefer the term sex worker. Describing a person as a sex worker acknowledges that the individual may have many different sides and is not always determined by their job.
Different cultural views on prostitution apply when it comes to legal regulations relating to sex work. However, the status on prostitution and legal status vary greatly from country to country.
The consequences of legal status, moral marginalization, and discrimination against sex.
We view Blockchain as an ideal tool to eliminate this identity by allowing all participants to share their privacy without the risk of exposure to their identity, the official site

The problem facing sex workers is:
1.The rules are very bad, full of criminalization, not much troubleshooting on all parties
  • Sex workers should lie to get a rental place, can not advertise services, engage in dangerous situations to find clients
  • Not working, benefits and protection and no health checks for STDs
  • The sex workers must be registered in the police department, routine medical examination

The solution offered by HUSSY in problem solving is being encountered by sex workers using blockchain technology, because of its nature:
-Provide for third-party platform
HUSSY is not just another escort platform, it's a companion infrastructure. We are legally able to operate our own escorting platforms in certain countries, but they can open their own anonymous escorting platforms in any country and join the distributed HUSSY infrastructure to improve the status quo of the global sex work industry.
2.It is impossible to close
The decentralized nature of the HUSSY infrastructure makes it almost impossible to close. Our solutions are resistant to regulations like FOSTA / SOSTA and anyone can open a new listing platform using HUSSY infrastructure. Only the data owner controls the data, no one else can delete or modify even our data, even including platforms and even law enforcement.
-Flexible cost schedule Monetize
the platform list is based on the demand for sex services in a particular time and location. Each service provider may choose an optional fee for a list, the higher the cost, the more likely it will be offered to potential clients. All fees are paid in the ERC-20 tokens.
- no clients are wasting time or rude
The client is given an incentive to make a security deposit before arranging a meeting. In the case of inappropriate or abusive behavior, clients risk losing their deposit. In addition, the service provider may ask the client to place a deposit order to filter out clients who waste time making reservations but never appear in meetings.

Let's talk a bit about ICO
  • HUSSY intends to release the public ICO sale date after the personal sale ends.
  • Public token sold 50 million HUS
  • Personal sale 10 million token HUS
  • Treasury reserves 21 million UAH
  • Bounty program 3 million
  • a member of Team HUS and an advisor of 13 million HUS
  • Early adaptation of 3 million HUS

Details from token
  • Ticker-HUS
  • Receive - ETH
  • Model ERC-20
  • Hard cap 30 000 000 US dollars
  • Soft cover 3 000 000 US dollars
  • Token provides 100,000
  • HUS Tokens for sale 60 000 000 HUS

How the system works from the HUSSY program in the image

At, we believe in the future, in which all women control their own sexuality, including the transfer of consensual money to sex with the ability to set reasonable prices, times and circumstances from the action section.
Detailed information:

Author: ardibimbim

Monday, June 18, 2018


Hasil gambar untuk IMPRESSIO BOUNTY


Impressio Estate, Ltd., adalah platform investasi cryptocurrency berbasis di Inggris bagi pengguna di seluruh dunia untuk berinvestasi dan menumbuhkan uang mereka, baik itu disetor sekaligus atau secara bertahap. Kami menawarkan rencana investasi unik untuk semua jenis investor. Ada banyak orang yang tidak tahu bagaimana memulai berinvestasi dalam cryptocurrency, atau hanya tidak punya waktu dan / atau energi untuk melakukannya. Impressio menangani semua kebutuhan ini untuk mereka, dan berjalan di atas dan di luar untuk investor mereka. Impressio fokus pada peluang investasi, tetapi bangga memasuki sektor pinjaman pada 2019.

Impressio yakin bahwa pasar cryptocurrency akan melihat sejumlah besar pertumbuhan di tahun-tahun mendatang. Umat ​​manusia selalu cepat mengadopsi teknologi yang membuat hidup lebih mudah dan lebih efisien, dan blockchain menunjukkan kepada kita bagaimana uang dapat ditransfer dengan cara revolusioner yang baru. Ini jelas merupakan salah satu alasan utama di balik kenaikan besar-besaran bitcoin selama beberapa tahun terakhir, yang eksponensial, terutama mengingat bagaimana hal itu dibandingkan dengan bursa saham di seluruh dunia. Ini telah menciptakan kekayaan baru dalam jumlah yang sangat besar, belum lagi bunga yang ditarik ke seluruh dunia ke sektor-sektor potensial.

Ini hanyalah awal dari perjalanan luar biasa untuk Impressio. Meskipun dimungkinkan untuk berkontribusi pada peluang di lantai dasar dan potensi yang terlibat. Perlu dicatat bahwa penjualan publik dari sisa token akan terjadi pada 2019, dengan platform lending berikut segera sesudahnya.

Keindahan Impressio adalah bahwa ia terdiversifikasi. Tentu saja, ini adalah pilihan yang jelas bagi mereka yang tertarik berinvestasi di cryptocurrency tanpa waktu atau energi untuk berkomitmen pada pasar secara konstan. Namun, investor swasta yang terlibat dengan perusahaan menambah lapisan baru leverage yang membuat perusahaan secara unik diposisikan untuk melakukan manuver sepanjang tahun-tahun mendatang. Penjualan token akan menghasilkan lebih banyak pendapatan, dan tentu saja, platform pinjaman akan memungkinkan untuk sumber pendapatan yang sama sekali baru, dan menarik seluruh demografi baru dari pihak yang berkepentingan.


Impressio membanggakan diri pada pemahaman investor cryptocurrency yang memahami potensi besar dalam ruang, tetapi hanya tidak punya waktu atau energi untuk menemukan peluang investasi yang tepat. Impressio dengan senang hati menangani ini untuk Anda.

Inilah sebabnya mengapa Impressio adalah opsi yang menarik. Ada pepatah, "jangan bekerja demi uang, tetapi biarkan uang bekerja untuk Anda", di dunia investasi. Impressio didedikasikan untuk membawa Anda kembali, apakah itu setiap hari, atau bahkan setiap jam! Memang tidak ada platform yang cara ini untuk menyerahkan uang Anda dengan cara yang benar. Impressio juga bahkan menawarkan Anda kesempatan untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak lagi pendapatan pasif melalui rujukan. Dengan cara ini, sementara Impressio terus menumbuhkan uang Anda, Anda dapat memperoleh penghasilan dengan menyebarkan berita tentang platform hebat yang dapat membantu teman dan keluarga Anda menjadi lebih mandiri secara finansial.

Kami memahami bahwa ketika datang ke uang Anda dengan susah payah, bahwa ada banyak pilihan. Ada banyak ahli keuangan dan penasihat yang akan menjual saham yang tepat kepada Anda, di sektor yang tepat, yang dibuat khusus untuk rasio risiko-imbalan Anda. Impressio memahami ini sepenuhnya, itulah mengapa mereka pergi keluar dari jalan mereka untuk menawarkan rencana khusus untuk investor dan kebutuhan mereka.

  • Partisipasi dalam proyek Investasi / Pinjaman terkemuka
  • Akumulasi laba stabil berdasarkan program investasi dengan kemungkinan penarikan harian / per jam
  • Transfer setoran cepat dan pemrosesan instan semua permintaan penarikan
  • Pendekatan komprehensif untuk pengembangan program untuk mendorong pengguna aktif
  • Dukungan 24/7 dan solusi cepat untuk setiap pertanyaan yang mungkin Anda temui.

  • Kode unik yang dapat disesuaikan dengan platform online mana pun dengan tingkat perlindungan yang tinggi
  • Penggunaan pemrosesan pembayaran otomatis - API - dengan komisi rendah
  • Kemampuan untuk membuat pemukiman bersama dalam cairan cryptocurrency atau token Impressio
  • Dukungan dan pembaruan perangkat lunak yang konstan oleh pengembang berpengalaman
  • Tingkat penghargaan mitra yang tinggi untuk promosi Impressio lokal dan internasional

  • Tim pengembangan Impressio
  • Kompensasi terjamin untuk mengidentifikasi bug perangkat lunak dan mencari solusi
  • Kemungkinan pertumbuhan profesional dan memperoleh keterampilan yang dibutuhkan di bidang pengembangan web.

  • Pendaftaran deposito langsung; Setoran dikreditkan dalam 1-3 konfirmasi dan tergantung pada kecepatan jaringan dan biaya transaksi.
  • Penarikan profit instan: Semua permintaan pengguna untuk menarik dana diproses secara instan dan dalam mode otomatis.
  • Perlindungan data maksimum: Platform web dilindungi secara permanen dari ancaman eksternal dan dipindai setiap hari untuk kode berbahaya.
  • Akrual reguler: Tergantung pada strategi investasi yang dipilih, laba diperoleh setiap hari, setiap jam atau di akhir semester.
  • Hadiah kemitraan: Impressio mendorong popularitas menarik investasi melalui tautan rujukan atau kode kupon.
  • Server khusus: Tim mengembangkan semua fungsi pada server khusus penyedia hosting yang paling berkualitas tinggi.



Hari ini, kami secara resmi meluncurkan platform investasi kami dan tersedia untuk investor di seluruh dunia. Mulai resmi dari perusahaan dan pendaftarannya terjadi 6 bulan yang lalu - 23 November 2017. Hanya didirikan, IMPR (Impressio) token. Hari demi hari timnya bekerja untuk membuat platform lebih nyaman bagi klien reguler, dan untuk mempopulerkan investasi online di antara orang-orang yang jauh dari pendapatan pasif. Dan kemajuan sebenarnya sangat jelas.


Impressio dengan bangga mengumumkan bahwa tahap ICO pribadi kami telah berhasil disimpulkan, dengan total penjualan token 10.000.000 IMPR. Kami sangat bangga dengan keberhasilan kami, sementara mengakui bahwa banyak pekerjaan masih mencapai potensi maksimal. Penting untuk disebutkan bahwa kami sekarang menutup tahap penjualan ICO pribadi kami, dan beralih ke tujuan baru kami meluncurkan situs web pinjaman dan investasi publik kami dalam waktu 3 bulan. Kami sangat bersemangat untuk membuka peluang ini kepada publik, dan benar-benar membawa Impressio kepada orang-orang.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi dan bergabung di tautan kami di bawah ini:

Penulis: ardibimbim

Sunday, June 17, 2018

BUDDY-Decentralized Development Automation Platform

Introducing Buddy

The project is leading platform for development automation (DevOps). The automation market is growing rapidly, its turnover will reach $ 345 billion by 2022. The purpose of Buddy is to make life easier for other software developers by automating all the routine tasks. This will give programmers the opportunity to realize their potential and allow them to focus on ideas that can turn the world around.

Buddy is a platform for development and deployment automation. It facilitates the DevOps adoption and has an open ecosystem, supporting all codes. It includes 4 main compounds: pipelines (automated software production line), sandboxes (automated disposable test and preview), version control and integrations with many scopes.


The value derived from development automation applies to all IT organizations. To unleash mass DevOps adoption, a solution must have:

  • A culture-shifting approach - using flexibility and excellence to support cross-teams to achieve their mission goals and maintain high-level performance.
  • An open model that can serve as a framework for skilled app developers to provide quality add-ons for differing stacks of development automation.
  • Auto-scaling features - providing awareness of what can be offloaded to a public network with respect to the company's intellectual property and policies.


From 2017 until 2022, intensive growth in the demand for application development and deployment software is forecasted at a phenomenal CAGR of 25.6%, reaching $ 346 billion 7.

Recently the development operations reached by vaccine as the year 2017 was acclaimed The Year of DevOps, with 50% of organizations adopting deployment automation.

What to observe now is that discussions with clients have shifted: from "What is DevOps?" To "How do I implement it at scale?"

Although many of the organizations are in the experimentation stage with single or multiple pilots - they are all transitioning toward DevOps across their entire enterprise, making 2018 The Year of Enterprise DevOps.

  • Instant feedback
  • Easy management of different tests and test automation
  • Hybrid solutions and cloud support
  • 70 various automation actions and integrations
  • Support for cutting-edge tech

  • Symbol: BUD
  • Rate: 1 ETH = 0.0002
  • Total Supply: Initially 300 million BUD tokens are allocated to the Token Sale. The final amount will depend on the bonuses that would be applied in the Crowdsale.
  • Terms: Tokens that are not sold during the Crowdsale will be automatically burned according to the allocation plan
  • Hard cap: upon achieving this cap, the token creation will stop and no further contributions will be accepted. The hard cap amount which will be sold in the crowdsale is 60,000 ETH
  • Protocol: ERC20
  • Emission rate: No new tokens will ever be created.




Partner of the project

GitHub Marketplace, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Docker store.

For more information please visit and join on our link below:

Saturday, June 16, 2018

MPCX-Digital blockchain driven financial services platform for innovative crypto investors

Image result for mpcx bounty


MPCX is a digital blockchain driven financial services platform. They long term aim is to aggregate all crypto financial services into one place. is designed to service entities' and individual's needs in the areas of digital wealth management, cryptocurrency exchange and trading, digital banking, crypto research and ICO promotion, and crypto lending.
In the short-term, MPCX will create a blockchain driven decentralized ecosystem to manage innovative investors' portfolios of crypto assets. In light of the current market situation with a huge demand for supply of financial management solutions we decided to create the Platform to service the market opportunities.

MPCX has a significant competitive advantage in its forty years of experience within finance. The resultant expertise and client relationships give MPCX the opportunity to offer unique products tailored to clients.

The MPCX platform will be developed in three stages:

  • Jan 2017 - Dec 2018 - digital wealth management platform
  • December 2018 - Nov 2019 - exchange of cryptocurrency
  • December 2019 - Jul 2020 - Digital banking and regulated wealth management platform.

Market opportunity

The development of the enema from blockchain technology has created a number of new investment opportuni- ties. The Crypto market operates 24/7 and offers great potential for growth. More and more innitial coin offerings have caused more than 1,500 new coins. many ordinary people have built significant wealth through investing in ICO, sometimes achieving a thousand per cent return.

The graph below shows the MPCX team analyzing the market:

Current Market Issues

Crypto market capitalization currently stands at c. $ 400 billion. An additional $ 200 billion worth of assets could benefit from the asset management and wealth management industries. This means that the total market opportunity is c. $ 600 billion, and the market is still growing exponentially.

MPCX Solution

MPCX is a digital blockchain-driven financial services platform. At the end of the third phase of MPCX Platform development, we will apply the following ecosystems:

Sales Structure of XMDC Token

Tokenisation is the process by which the lead block or ledger. Technically Token is a registered value unit. The XDMC Token will be a functional tool for using the MPCX Platform. Once the XDMC Token becomes liquid and popular, it will be used as the internal currency for banking services.

ICO Date Before: 07.05.2018 - 17.06.2018, During the ICO pre-rounded XDMC token will be available on the Wave Platform. All Wave based tokens will be replaced with a 1: 1 Ratio before the 1st ICO round be the Ethereum-based XDMC Token.

For initial investors get a special Token price of 31 000 XDMC Tokens per 1 ETH, representing over 20x return opportunities over the next 4 years according to our estimates (please see MPCX Financials above).


The MPCX team has developed a strategic goal to disrupt and transform the financial industry.

For more information please visit and join on our link below:

Author: ardibimbim
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1446175
My ETH: 0xcE84a75540510467B4915692B6ebD1e1b9E3aa93


 Image result for vortix ecosystem

The First and Scalable Solution to Keep Your Valuables both Digital and Physical under the Block Chain of Umbrella is Really Safe

Multi-service platforms and products where Vortix Token Family will be used to transact and execute orders, events, contracts and more, connect block-to-the-block technology to the real world and go beyond a certain extent, through today's Internet browsing experience. Developed with DAPP, Client API, and Proprietary Back End software, plus all that interact on the block chain (expected to be placed on an independent but open and decentralized block chain, but with all tokens converted at the same value assigned to the Ethereum ecosystem).

There you will find services and products such as:
  • MySafe Vault,
  • ThulePay
  • MegaBCMall
  • RetailINN
(names of services and products subject to change), and other developments made by us or from third parties or in joint ventures, insofar as all types of smart contracts should be possible applied to the ecosystem, allowing thousands of free services and products to co-exist without any burden or limitation but the system itself that will evolve. In short there will be a place for Multi-billion Industries Exchanges and for exclusive but affordable retail stores as well and so many other services.

While it may not require it, it is our intention to offer tokens and ICO produce from all and any services that support product development as a way to share our technology and progress with our community, enabling buyers to benefit from their expected revaluation, plus sharing through bonuses, benefits to all and all services and products developed by us, and moreover with all who connect with us in any way, they will all be exchangeable between the two and are expected in the future. , will also be exchanged for other Tokens, or Coins.

If we succeed in our goal, all of our tokens will be single coins (not tokens but crypto currency) and all tokens of all developments will be fully convertible to crypto currency, which will run the ecosystem, by the end of 2019 / mid 2020 when transferring to our own block chain. Then all should be integrated into:

Intend to become another Blockchain Environment similar to the Ethereum Ecosystem and open to anyone who is willing to place their apps and developments for free but for the cost of the miner's transactions, like all that today, however, and as a way to give us a boost at our start not only will supply the infrastructure but also some of the running businesses and applications / products and services to be developed under the Ethereum Ecosystem at the start and once the infrastructure is completed, all exported to new blockchain, in the products we will develop to start with we can quote:

  • DAPP / APP single customer application security to make your daily life a little less scary about what you have inside your phone, or connected devices, the explanation is on our site
  • One Commodity Stock Exchange Special for one very popular product, which by the way will come to solve the problem that there is no reference to the world market exchange and we want to keep its secrecy for now (the product).
  • One of the retail shopping centers, starting with Art, Collectibles and Sybarite products but at affordable prices and offered around the world.
  • One Solution for offline payments to the virtual world, allowing thousands of people who have no possibility to access online shopping, have such a possibility, even in places where there is no Internet at all (* only a landline phone should be sufficient for instant access and usage almost ).
  • New Blockchain Infrastructure and Programming Tools and APIs if required, apps for miners, etc., Plus all of these previous products converge into the single currency and this new block chain, in the end, where all the utility tokens from the previous project will be converted to the eye this money as part of our strategy. Plus all services and products from third parties that can use the new free block chain like everything else.
  • After that and during this process, after cryptocoin circulates, nodes are formed and miners are regulated, other applications based on smart contracts, smart messages and new developments we test through Blockchain technology, but on this exclusive new blockchain, should be available to all free developers use them for their applications, for example, the Ethereum ecosystem today.
Presale and Ico Token
  • Code: VTX
  • Technology: ERC-20 Ethereum
  • Token: 200.000.000 ONLY
  • Basic Price Token: 1 VTX: 0.2 United States Dollar.
Purchase Option:
Exclusively via PreSale Website address and ICO or (Previous Registration required) with Crypto Currency The following received payments, in USD against the selected currency exchange rates:
  • ETHER (ETH) (Through Smart Contract)
  • ETHER (ETH) (Direct From Exchange)

Funds generated by PreSale and ICO will be used in the following estimated percentage:
  • Product End Stage Development: 15%
  • Administration Fee: 15%
  • Marketing: 30%
  • Research and Innovation: 10%
  • IT Infrastructure, Software License, Hardware Development: 10%
  • Reserves: 20%


For more information about VORTIX, please visit and join on our link below:

Bitcointalk Username: ardibimbim

Tuesday, June 12, 2018 a financial services platform based on crypto currency

Image result for ecoinomic bounty bitcointalk is a digital platform that provides traditional financial services for cryptocurrency holders. The premier service is a fiat loan backed by a crypto guarantee. The project aims to bridge the gap between fiat and crypto worlds by bringing together cryptocurrency holders and institutional investors / family offices into a single lending network.

eCoinomic provides its users with financial management services from digital assets

  • Loan borrowing: Crypto banknotes and safe and unsafe currency
  • Investment Investment: long and short term in currency cryptocurrency and fiat money
  • Hedging Mechanisms: from hedge exchange rate risk to crypto assets
  • Crypto Exchange: Includes the functions of managing collateral assets
  • Crypto Payment: Payment agent with virtual card issuance. Integration with the largest trading (such as eBay and Amazon)

Top 6 strong points of the eCoinomic platform

  • Multicurrency: The eCoinomic platform will accept as collateral: BTC, ETH, LCH, BCH + TOP10 cryptocurrency. Loans will be issued in: USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF, CNY.
  • Fiat money transaction speed: With the help of a built-in payment agent, credit time for fiat funds will only take a few minutes.
  • Price monitoring system: This system checks the warranty value every minute based on data from some crypto exchange.
  • Security and transparency: Smart contracts set procedures for blocking, returning or liquidating collateral assets.
  • Insurance backup fund: This is designed to increase the attractiveness of projects for large and small investors.
  • Full functional alpha version: Will be available for pre-Sale testing.

Benefit for everyone

For crypto owner:
  • Who buys cryptocurrency as an average and long-term investment that expects high growth rates;
  • Who receives crypto assets as payment for goods and services (eg miners)
  • Startups and funds requiring short-term fiat funds;
For investors:
  • Private sector investors who allocate monetary resources for revenue-generating purposes;
  • Institutional investors are attracted by high profitability and low risk instruments.
  • It's time to protect the exchange rate and take full advantage of the potential of crypto assets for business expansion.
Please watch this video to know more about advantages of

For more information, please visit and join our link below:

Author: ardibimbim

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Image result for Vanig io bounty


E-commerce is the latest and efficient marketplace for all our needs. This has become the fastest growing market in the world. The market of e-commerce is on the rise due to various factors, such as the large-scale adoption of the mobile Internet and the rising penetration of internet usage in the world. One of the core pillars on which the industry stands is the efficient operation of the supply chain industry.

The efficiency of the supply chain operation determines the success of the e-commerce industry. Unfortunately, there are many reasons for the supply chain industry, such as lack of transparent and visible supply chain, complex system with multiple participants. Many other challenges are also present in the industry such as lack of tracking tools and nonexistent inventory management. There is a need for a platform that can solve the challenges mentioned above.

Solution offered

Vanig is offering a solution for the e-commerce industry. It is building the world's first integrated e-commerce with the supply chain functionality. Based on the smart contract, various points of supply chain are connected on the blockchain. HyperLedger's sawtooth technology is deployed for simplifying the supply chain process and eliminating intermediaries. Provenance information about the top products is provided on the platform so that customers are satisfied and secure.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are used for creating effective advertising on the platform. Manufacturer of the products, retail & wholesale, and consumers are important part of the platform. These three entities are connected to the platform through the smart contract technology. The app created by the team can be downloaded by the users of the platform to access millions of products. Security and transparency are the key principles on which the future of the platform is dependent.

Competitive pricing, authentic reviews, shorter recall process, real-time tracking, multi-party contracts and easy products listing are a few of the many qualities of the platform.

ICO Information

250,000,000 VANIG Tokens are created for the platform in which 60% of the tokens are reserved for the public sale. The private sale is currently live on the platform. The main sale will begin on 4th June 2018 and continue until 7th August 2018. The funds will be utilized for the business development and operations. The team working on the project is experienced on the blockchain technology and e-commerce.




Trillions of dollars' worth of transactions are completed in the world. Amazon and Alibaba are the biggest giants in the world of the e-commerce industry. Gross total value of B2B e-commerce is estimated to be 20 trillion dollars in 2017. The future of the e-commerce market will be decided by the kind of technology we adopt for growth and development.

Blockchain technology will reduce inefficiency in supply chain and provide direct interaction between consumers and suppliers. I think that e-commerce industry will see another revolution with the help of blockchain technology. What do you think about the services offered by the industry? Are we ready for latest e-commerce platform?

For more information please visit and join on our link below:

Author: ardibimbim
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1446175
My ETH: 0xcE84a75540510467B4915692B6ebD1e1b9E3aa93

Friday, June 8, 2018 Utilities Protocol

SLATE is a blockchain-based entertainment utility protocol supported by cryptographically safe multilayer networks. The decentralized system will generate high-definition, high-speed, high-definition video globally and facilitate live event tickets in blockchain. Consumers will be able to spend SLATE cryptocurrency (SLX) on some of the world's best entertainments on offer.

The use of SLATE allows fair and transparent compensation between content creators, manufacturers and distributors. Creators are fairly compensated and consumers get higher quality entertainment. Tickets purchased with SLATE will fabricate, virtually eliminating fraud. Service providers holding SLX can generate more by storing and submitting content.

Features of the Slate Platform at a glance

Looking at the Slate platform at, you will discover that it is one with intuitive features and friendly user interface. At the topmost Left-hand side of the platform is a video introduction on how the project works-fully exploring the various processes that will result in the unrestricted global entertainment access. Just by the video intro, to the right-hand side lies the countdown to the pre-sale of the Slate tokens. Just below the video intro and the pre-sale count timer lies information on the Soft Cap which is put at $ 20 million USD.

Some of the great features that can be viewed at a Glance on the Slate websites are:

  • Blockchain Video on Demand (BVOD): Cinemas, televisions, and cables are - all distracted by the appearance of streaming video on demand. Now, Binge is poised to disrupt the streaming industry in a revolution fueled by blockchain technology. Decentralized delivery results in low-cost, high-speed, and high-definition media access to consumers everywhere. Binge's BVOD ™ service establishes a bridge that connects creators and distributors with audiences not yet explored internationally.
  • Tokenized Ticketing: SLATIX will use blockchain technology to create ticket systems. SLATIX's in-depth analysis will be designed to make tickets in blockchain a better way for places to connect with consumers and their loyalty. SLATIX tickets will withstand counterfeiting, virtually eliminating fraud. Small and medium enterprises can benefit from SLATIX's low installation and operational costs, while easy-to-use applications aim to make ticket distribution and DIY ticket swap.
  • Leading Industry Open Analytics: Significant data is the key to sound business decisions. The powerful Slate analytics tool is designed to simplify market discovery by revealing local, regional, and global delivery patterns. Movers industry will gain new creative excellence when producing content. Detailed demographics help match consumers with content they love. Slate Analytics will offer unexpected access to relevant network data. Creators can take control by accessing the database directly and customizing the analysis. Open Analytics Slate aims to set new industry standards.
  • Unlimited Global Access: We believe that it comes to content decisions. Not the government. Not a company. Blockchain gives people power. Binge's decentralized distribution system can not be stopped, preserving consumer choice. Slate cryptocurrency will remove barriers to international trade because blockchain mediates payments to content creators and licensees. Unconditional transactions mean quick payments that cut banks and bureaucracy, while respecting licensing agreements. Accessible content. Fair payment. The path to freedom is being paved by blockchain.
Please watch this video to know more about advantages of SLATE

For more information please visit and join on our link below:

Thursday, June 7, 2018

NPER-Project that overcomes the monopolistic industrial structure and stereotypes in the Intellectual Property industry.

Image result for nper review steemit

There are various advantages when discussing current cryptocurrency functions. One of the advantages is allowing quick and easy payments between individuals. Money transfers can be made between two people without an intermediary. Another advantage is the advanced security offered by technology. The transaction is very secure, and only the wallet owner can send or receive payment with it. The third advantage is the idea of low or no processing costs. Banks and payment processing companies often charge a fee for funds transfer, and this can be reduced or completely eliminated by using cryptocurrency.

NPER is a project that allows creators to take legitimate rights by defeating the unusual copyright industry structure that takes away the legitimate rights of creators. It will build a blockchain main network to innovate the copyright industry, and challenge on various possibilities. This project also presents a new business model for participating in the enormous IP industry. We will create a "digital asset" called "NPER COIN" for everyone to make it possible to participate in big market of intellectual property.


  • PROACTIVE: Pioneering the new intellectual property market system
  • CONTINUOUS: Managing steady royalties from intellectual property
  • INNOVATIVE: Innovates Intellectual Property industry the most suitable industry where blockchain could innovate
  • OPENED: Providing opportunity to everyone with blockchain technology


Potential value for the NPER coin holders is expected to be increased as new intellectual property rights are accumulated to the NPER coin

Intellectual property holdings and NPER coin transaction history are stored on the blockchain network. This does not just mean simply stacking the transactions, but it also means trading transactions are connected and managed into one encrypted block.

It is possible to prove share calculation and the compensation based on the NPER coin holding amount are carried out transparently. Record all data in the blockchain to prove the process.

ABOUT NPER makes a new paradigm with Blockchain:

  • GLOBAL IP Network 
  • Removes Excessive Brokers 
  • P2P Direct Matching 
  • Protects Creator's right 
  • Smart Contract 
  • No Need for Paper works 
  • Transparent Record 
  • POS Node with Mainnet 
  • Digitalized Asset 
  • Distributed IP Ownership 
  • Manages Royalties in NPER COIN 
  • Provides a new way to participate in IP 
  • Members Evaluate the IP 
  • Member's Voting System 
  • Find undervalued IP 
  • Supports Creators



There is no doubt that IP holding companies are slowly destroying the creativity and rights of content creators through their monopolistic business practices of requiring these content creators to essentially "hand over" all of their IP rights in order to gain any form of exposure. In return, the content creators are rewarded with an absolute pittance from these companies.

NPER essentially bypasses these centralized, unfair companies and the royalty industry entirely by offering a decentralized platform where IP sellers and buyers can connect directly. If companies want to purchase IP rights from a seller, they can do so on the NPER platform only after competing with all other companies and users that also wish to do so. This will encourage competition, something that is sorely needed in the industry. The NPER token also seems to have a number of use cases, from both a utility and investment perspective.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018’s First Insured Hybrid Crypto Platform

Image result for cgcx

CGCX is a universal exchange that allows its users to buy and sell different coins on their platforms. By combining all aspects of the transaction, it simplifies the purchase and sale of coins. The modern function of the CGCX platform can withstand simultaneous orders of more than 1 million per second and provide security and stability for its users

Crypto exchange

CGCX offers a 24/7 trading platform with robust security, and an architecture that supports trading around the clock. The CGCX platform can also support real-time trading settlements well in all financial instruments. It also enables the addition of fast and sustainable digital currency, asset bookings, and national currency.

Normal Users: For ease of use, regular clients or new clients have the option to buy or sell the number of digital currencies or pre-defined options to buy or sell any custom amount they choose Quantity discounts provide a natural reference point and process flow purchase / sale. Cost, limit, set up rundown, and related market data are provided to provide client settings to their exchanges.
Trader: The retail user interface contains comparable features, as well as more sophisticated tools (such as diagrams), and dashboards optimized for day-to-day and last-time traders.
Institutional Users: The interface to institutional users is designed for professional and enthusiastic traders. features vertically ladder stairs with click-to-trade capabilities as well as sophisticated institutional-grade order types. This UI is optimized for trading from minute-to-minute and provides end users with a series of powerful direct market data.
How does it work?

High performing and browser-based trading platform with a single entry point for key market interactions.


The CGCX hybrid platform not only allows clients to confidently trade in all cryptos, but also enables alternative coin issuer tokens (altcoin) to register their tokens for trading.

Users on the CGCX platform can use their CGCX Token to select multiple tokens. We plan to use 50% of tokens received as voting fees for insurance fees to build further insurance coverage.

The newly registered Token Alternatives will be monitored on an ongoing basis and may be deleted at any time if they do not maintain eligibility based on the criteria set by CGCX.

Trader Solutions

Trader tools and payment gateways provide businesses with the perfect tools for managing crypto currencies. Traders can start receiving payments in cryptocurrency in just a few minutes by plugging in a payment gateway.

After configuring the online presence of a business on a list of traders, traders can start promoting their products and services to thousands of cryptocurrency users from around the world.

Smart Contract

The current contract system is largely paper-based, and therefore vulnerable to inefficiency, fraud and high transaction costs. When a trader sends goods, he will receive a bill of lading paper. To obtain trade finance, for example through letter of credit, this bill of lading must be sent by courier to the bank and through many manually managed checks and balances in the system.

This process is relatively slow, which creates the need for a digitally efficient system such as blockchain. Our platform has the ability to program smart contracts, which can make payments automatically without human intervention. All tradable assets that can be represented through digital token and may be traded publicly may be used in this smart contract, subject to regulatory requirements.

CGCX is an all-in-one Exchange that allows users to buy and sell different coins on their platforms. It makes buying and selling coins easier for users.

CGCX has a very secure security features, committed to our security values, first-time clients have the option to purchase or offer predetermined steps of computer money or alternatively to buy or offer any custom amount they choose . The CGCX platform can hold concurrent orders of more than 1 million per second and will ensure security and stability for its users.

Token info

The lock-in period for tokens allocated to Founders and Team members is one year from the date of issuance.

Vesting Plan for Founders & Teams

  • After 1 Year 25%
  • After 2 Year 25%
  • After 3 Years 25%
  • After 4 Years 25%

Detail Token

  • ERC20 Max: 2.000.0000.000 CGX
  • Target Token Sale: 1,000,000,000,000 CGX
  • Soft Cap: $ 5 billion USD
  • Hard Cap: 1,000,000,000 CGX
  • Pre-Sales & Sales: 952.4 million CGX
  • SAFT: 47.6 million CGX
  • 1 ETH: 8,500 CGX
  • Payment Mode: ETH / BTC

CGCX Wallet

The CGCX wallet is a multi-currency payment gateway within the CGCX system. This allows users to exchange fiat, cryptocurrency, or virtual goods for the liquid assets available on the platform.

  • Multi-asset compatibility (any blockchain assets are compatible and accepted by the CGCX Wallet).
  • The best foreign exchange rates and transaction fees are available.
  • Storage is decentralized and secure.
  • Items are stored on a blockchain-based system.
  • Fraud and fraud can prevent
Please watch this video to know more about advantages of CGCX

For more information please visit and join on our link below:

Author: ardibimbim
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1446175
My ETH: 0xcE84a75540510467B4915692B6ebD1e1b9E3aa93