Saturday, January 6, 2018

MEETNGREETME - Designed To Provide Customer-Centric Services

Image result for meetngreetme bounty

Greetings MeetNgreetMe Community,

Do you need help to organize a bachelor party overseas? Or do you want someone to be trusted to meet your parents at the airport, help with carrying luggage and support along the way while in the new city? Or maybe you need someone to help you book the hottest night spots and guide you through the city's nightlife?

MeetnGreetMe is designed to provide customer-centric services tailored to the needs of travelers and make the travel experience a truly personalized experience worldwide. This is the core value of all the interactions built around.

The MeetnGreetMe platform provides the infrastructure for value creation and enables value exchange among participants, establishing access and usage rules to ensure that desired interactions are encouraged and undesired are completely eliminated.

MeetnGreetMe TO-BE

MeetnGreetMe deals with people from all over the world. We ensure security, trust, transparency, easy access to training and support essential for scaling at the right pace while increasing loyalty and keeping service quality high. Community involvement in this process will contribute positively to the trust factor because each application will get the dose of attention necessary to ensure its trust. Because of blockchain technology, it probably allows crowdsource platform curation processes that are a sensible way to operate a global peer-to-peer business.

Adapting blockchain technology will enable MeetnGreetMe to have its own means - MeetnGreetMe crypto-token - to incentivize contributors and appreciate activities related to platform growth and development.

WelcomeCoin as a right

The WelcomeCoin holder is exclusively entitled to the following rights:
Right to participate in platform development, vote on questions related to budget allocation, business development, additions and excludes new features. This right is available for 10% of users who have the largest number of tokens.

  1. The right to participate in voting on questions such as: rewarding users with the best performance, evaluating incoming initiatives and encouraging their generators, etc.
  2. The right to use the platform and to directly participate in it for further development purposes and gain an advantage over their efforts.
  3. Right to access community events.
  4. Right to get a discount for MeetnGreetMe service, and partner services.
  5. Right to play a chosen role (MeetnGreeter, curator, business developer, etc.) And rewarded for i

WelcomeCoin as currency

Paying ads.
WEL can be used to install targeted ads on MeetnGreetMe platforms, including their blogs. Before advertised the product, service and place first need to be proven by the local community.

We are considering adding an opportunity to pay for MeetnGreetMe services at WelcomeCoins in the future.
Details Information :
Whitepaper : here
Author : Ardi bimbim

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